Saturday, May 27, 2006

Toni Writes

Here is Toni's blog. Toni and I grew up in Athens together. She was (and still is) two years older than me. My first encounter with Toni was in soccer. They didn't have enough boys and girls to have separate leagues so they put us all in together and Toni was the most feared soccer goalie in the league.

Later on we would be friends in high school.

She went to Texas A & M and became a columnist for the Battalion. She married Roy. They moved back to Athens (not a bad place to go to back to in my opinion.) and she became editor of the local paper. She has two children that Caleb loves to play with and we have cute videos of them from my sister's wedding.

Toni and Roy host the annual Clay Crayfish boil and this past year I think we all consumed 150 lbs. of crayfish. It was great!

Okay, now, if anyone wants a "19 inch TV with a wall mount, a roll top desk, an armoire that can either house a computer or an infants clothes and diapers, or enough Christmas lights to Griswald your house for the holidays please stop by our home in Grapevine. Just go down Hall Johnson road and look for the orange signs. (Sorry, for shamelessly plugging my garage sale in a post about you Toni--at this point I can't help myself.)

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